2015.08 - 2019.12University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, 이학박사
(Advisor: Prof. Yong-Su Jin)
[경 력]
2015.03 - 2015.08성균관대학교 생명공학연구소, 연구원
2020.02 - 2020.05University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology (IGB), 연구원
2020.06 - 2023.02University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
Department of Animal Sciences, 박사 후 연구원
2023.03 - 현재 성신여자대학교 바이오생명공학과, 조교수
주요 연구 관심 분야 소개
합성생물학 기반 미생물 치료제 개발 및 효능 평가
정밀발효를 통한 바이오 화학 소재(의약품, 식품, 화장품, 바이오 연료) 생산
연구성과 – 주요논문(* Represents Co-first Author)
J.W. Lee, S. S. Bhagwat, N. Kuanyshev, Y. B Cho, L. Sun, Y.-G. Lee, Y. Li, Y. R. Cortés-Peña, C.V Rao, J. S. Guest, Y.-S. Jin (2023) Rewiring yeast metabolism for producing 2,3-butanediol and two downstream applications: Techno-economic analysis and life cycle assessment of methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) and agricultural biostimulant production, Chemical Engineering Journal, 451, 138886.
J.W. Lee, E. S. Cowley, P. G. Wolf, H. L. Doden, T. Murai, K. Y. O. Caicedo, L. K. Ly, F. Sun, H. Takei, H. Nittono, S. L. Daniel, I. Cann, H. R. Gaskins, K. Anantharaman, J. M. P. Alves, J. M. Ridlon (2022) Formation of secondary allo-bile acids by novel enzymes from gut Firmicutes, Gut Microbes,14:1, 2132903.
S. Kwak, S.J Robinson, J.W. Lee, H Lim, C.L Wallace, Y.-S. Jin (2022) Dissection and enhancement of prebiotic properties of yeast cell wall oligosaccharides through metabolic engineering, Biomaterials,282, 121379.
J.W. Lee, S. Kwak, J.-J. Liu, E.J. Yun, and Y.-S. Jin (2021) 2’-Fucosyllactose production in engineered Escherichia coli with deletion of waaF and wcaJ and overexpression of FucT2, Journal of Biotechnology, 340, 30-38.
L. Sun, J.W. Lee, S. Yook, S. Lane, Z. Sun, Y.-S. Jin (2021) Complete and efficient conversion of plant cell wall hemicellulose into high-value bioproducts by engineered yeast, Nature Communications,12(1), 1-9.
J.W. Lee, Y.-G. Lee, Y.-S. Jin, C.V Rao (2021) Metabolic engineering of non-pathogenic microorganisms for 2,3-butanediol production, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,105, 5751-5767.
J.W. Lee, S Yook, H Koh, C.V Rao, Y.-S. Jin (2021) Engineering xylose metabolism in yeasts to produce biofuels and chemicals, Current Opinion in Biotechnology 67, 15-25.
J.W. Lee, S. Kwak, J.-J. Liu, S. Yu, E.J. Yun, D.H. Kim, C. Liu, K.H. Kim, and Y.-S. Jin (2020) Enhanced 2’-fucosyllactose production by engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae using xylose as a co-substrate, Metabolic Engineering 62, 322-329.
D.H. Kim, J.-J. Liu, J.W. Lee, J. G. Pelton, E.J. Yun, S. Yu, Y.-S. Jin, K.H. Kim (2020) Biological upgrading of 3,6-anhydro-L-galactose, the main component of red macroalgal biomass, to a new platform chemical, Green Chemistry 22(5), 1176-1185.
J.-J. Liu, J.W. Lee*, E.J. Yun, S.M. Jung, J.H. Seo, Y.-S. Jin (2019) L-fucose production by engineered Escherichia coli, Biotechnology and Bioengineering,116(4), 904-911.
J.W. Lee*, J.H. In, J.-B. Park, J.H. Shin, J.H. Park, B.H Sung, J-H Sohn, J.-H Seo, J.-B Park, S.R Kim, D.-H Kweon (2017) Co-expression of two heterologous lactate dehydrogenases genes in Kluyveromyces marxianus for l-lactic acid production, Journal of Biotechnology,241, 81-86.
J.W. Lee, J.Y. Kim, H.M Jang, M.W. Lee, J.M. Park (2015) Sequential dilute acid and alkali pretreatment of corn stover: sugar recovery efficiency and structural characterization. Bioresource Technology,182, 296-301.