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2024 December Vol.37 No.4ISSN 1598-8384


신진과학자 소개

이 재 원 (Jae Won Lee)

성신여자대학교 바이오생명공학과 E-mail :

[학 력]
  • 2003.03 - 2010.02 성균관대학교 식품생명공학과, 이학사
  • 2012.03 - 2014.02 포항공과대학교 환경공학부, 공학석사 (Advisor: 박종문 교수님)
  • 2015.08 - 2019.12 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
    Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, 이학박사 (Advisor: Prof. Yong-Su Jin)
[경 력]
  • 2015.03 - 2015.08 성균관대학교 생명공학연구소, 연구원
  • 2020.02 - 2020.05 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
    Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology (IGB), 연구원
  • 2020.06 - 2023.02 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
    Department of Animal Sciences, 박사 후 연구원
  • 2023.03 - 현재 성신여자대학교 바이오생명공학과, 조교수

주요 연구 관심 분야 소개

  • 합성생물학 기반 미생물 치료제 개발 및 효능 평가
  • 정밀발효를 통한 바이오 화학 소재(의약품, 식품, 화장품, 바이오 연료) 생산

연구성과 – 주요논문(* Represents Co-first Author)

  • J.W. Lee, S. S. Bhagwat, N. Kuanyshev, Y. B Cho, L. Sun, Y.-G. Lee, Y. Li, Y. R. Cortés-Peña, C.V Rao, J. S. Guest, Y.-S. Jin (2023) Rewiring yeast metabolism for producing 2,3-butanediol and two downstream applications: Techno-economic analysis and life cycle assessment of methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) and agricultural biostimulant production, Chemical Engineering Journal, 451, 138886.
  • J.W. Lee, E. S. Cowley, P. G. Wolf, H. L. Doden, T. Murai, K. Y. O. Caicedo, L. K. Ly, F. Sun, H. Takei, H. Nittono, S. L. Daniel, I. Cann, H. R. Gaskins, K. Anantharaman, J. M. P. Alves, J. M. Ridlon (2022) Formation of secondary allo-bile acids by novel enzymes from gut Firmicutes, Gut Microbes, 14:1, 2132903.
  • S. Kwak, S.J Robinson, J.W. Lee, H Lim, C.L Wallace, Y.-S. Jin (2022) Dissection and enhancement of prebiotic properties of yeast cell wall oligosaccharides through metabolic engineering, Biomaterials, 282, 121379.
  • J.W. Lee, S. Kwak, J.-J. Liu, E.J. Yun, and Y.-S. Jin (2021) 2’-Fucosyllactose production in engineered Escherichia coli with deletion of waaF and wcaJ and overexpression of FucT2, Journal of Biotechnology, 340, 30-38.
  • L. Sun, J.W. Lee, S. Yook, S. Lane, Z. Sun, Y.-S. Jin (2021) Complete and efficient conversion of plant cell wall hemicellulose into high-value bioproducts by engineered yeast, Nature Communications, 12(1), 1-9.
  • J.W. Lee, Y.-G. Lee, Y.-S. Jin, C.V Rao (2021) Metabolic engineering of non-pathogenic microorganisms for 2,3-butanediol production, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 105, 5751-5767.
  • J.W. Lee, S Yook, H Koh, C.V Rao, Y.-S. Jin (2021) Engineering xylose metabolism in yeasts to produce biofuels and chemicals, Current Opinion in Biotechnology 67, 15-25.
  • J.W. Lee, S. Kwak, J.-J. Liu, S. Yu, E.J. Yun, D.H. Kim, C. Liu, K.H. Kim, and Y.-S. Jin (2020) Enhanced 2’-fucosyllactose production by engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae using xylose as a co-substrate, Metabolic Engineering 62, 322-329.
  • D.H. Kim, J.-J. Liu, J.W. Lee, J. G. Pelton, E.J. Yun, S. Yu, Y.-S. Jin, K.H. Kim (2020) Biological upgrading of 3,6-anhydro-L-galactose, the main component of red macroalgal biomass, to a new platform chemical, Green Chemistry 22(5), 1176-1185.
  • J.-J. Liu, J.W. Lee*, E.J. Yun, S.M. Jung, J.H. Seo, Y.-S. Jin (2019) L-fucose production by engineered Escherichia coli, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 116(4), 904-911.
  • J.W. Lee*, J.H. In, J.-B. Park, J.H. Shin, J.H. Park, B.H Sung, J-H Sohn, J.-H Seo, J.-B Park, S.R Kim, D.-H Kweon (2017) Co-expression of two heterologous lactate dehydrogenases genes in Kluyveromyces marxianus for l-lactic acid production, Journal of Biotechnology, 241, 81-86.
  • J.W. Lee, J.Y. Kim, H.M Jang, M.W. Lee, J.M. Park (2015) Sequential dilute acid and alkali pretreatment of corn stover: sugar recovery efficiency and structural characterization. Bioresource Technology, 182, 296-301.